What is automated photo enforcement?
Why did I get this Notice of Violation in the mail?
Who determines that I have committed a violation?
Is this Notice the same as a speeding ticket?
Will this Notice of Violation go on my driving record or insurance?
Can I contest my violation or name another driver responsible for the violation?
Do the systems record images of drivers or occupants?
How are camera locations decided?
Is this program legal?
Below you will find out most frequently asked questions.
What is automated photo enforcement?
Automated photo enforcement is an authorized police and court administered safety program that assists local law enforcement by utilizing camera and detection systems that electronically document and photograph clear violations of traffic laws.
Why did I get this Notice of Violation in the mail?
For Speed Violation Notices - Vehicles traveling in excess of the posted speed limit in locations equipped with manually operated radar or laser-triggered cameras are detected and photographed.
Who determines that I have committed a violation?
Sworn law enforcement personnel.
Is this Notice the same as a speeding ticket?
No. This Notice is not considered a speeding ticket. It is a civil citation similar to that of a parking ticket.
Will this Notice of Violation go on my driving record or insurance?
No, this violation does not go on your driving record or insurance.
Can I contest my violation or name another driver responsible for the violation?
Yes. Once you have entered your Notice of Violation number and PIN you will be provided with instructions on how to view your violation, pay, contest, and transfer liability to another driver.
Do the systems record images of drivers or occupants?
No. The system is focused on capturing license plate, make and model information.
How are camera locations decided?
Officials utilize State-provided vehicle crash and speed-related data to determine the areas of highest safety concern and work with system providers to ensure that the systems are installed according to established statutory guidelines.
Is this program legal?
Yes, the photo enforcement program is operated in accordance with local, and state legislation.